A dynamic AABB tree broad-phase. More...

#include <DynamicTree.hpp>


struct  BranchData
 Branch data of a tree node. More...
struct  LeafData
 Leaf data of a tree node. More...
class  TreeNode
 A node in the dynamic tree. More...
struct  UnusedData
 Unused data of a tree node. More...
union  VariantData
 Variant data. More...

Public Types

using Size = ContactCounter
 Size type. More...
using Height = ContactCounter
 Type for heights. More...

Public Member Functions

 DynamicTree () noexcept
 Default constructor. More...
 DynamicTree (Size nodeCapacity)
 Size initializing constructor. More...
 ~DynamicTree () noexcept
 Destroys the tree, freeing the node pool. More...
 DynamicTree (const DynamicTree &other)
 Copy constructor. More...
 DynamicTree (DynamicTree &&other) noexcept
 Move constructor. More...
DynamicTreeoperator= (DynamicTree other) noexcept
 Unifying assignment operator. More...
Size CreateLeaf (const AABB &aabb, const LeafData &data)
 Creates a new leaf node. More...
void DestroyLeaf (Size index) noexcept
 Destroys a leaf node. More...
void UpdateLeaf (Size index, const AABB &aabb)
 Updates a leaf node with a new AABB value. More...
LeafData GetLeafData (Size index) const noexcept
 Gets the user data for the node identified by the given identifier. More...
void SetLeafData (Size index, LeafData value) noexcept
 Sets the leaf data for the element at the given index to the given value. More...
AABB GetAABB (Size index) const noexcept
 Gets the AABB for a leaf or branch (a non-unused node). More...
Height GetHeight (Size index) const noexcept
 Gets the height value for the identified node. More...
Size GetOther (Size index) const noexcept
 Gets the "other" index for the node at the given index. More...
BranchData GetBranchData (Size index) const noexcept
 Gets the branch data for the identified node. More...
Size GetRootIndex () const noexcept
 Gets the index of the "root" node if this tree has one. More...
Size GetFreeIndex () const noexcept
 Gets the free index. More...
void RebuildBottomUp ()
 Builds an optimal tree. More...
void ShiftOrigin (Length2 newOrigin)
 Shifts the world origin. More...
Size GetNodeCapacity () const noexcept
 Gets the current node capacity of this tree. More...
Size GetNodeCount () const noexcept
 Gets the current count of allocated nodes. More...
Size GetLeafCount () const noexcept
 Gets the current leaf node count. More...
Size FindReference (Size index) const noexcept
 Finds first node which references the given index. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static PLAYRHO_CONSTEXPR Size GetInvalidSize () noexcept
 Gets the invalid size value. More...
static PLAYRHO_CONSTEXPR Height GetInvalidHeight () noexcept
 Gets the invalid height value. More...
static PLAYRHO_CONSTEXPR bool IsUnused (Height value) noexcept
 Gets whether the given height is the height for an "unused" node. More...
static PLAYRHO_CONSTEXPR bool IsLeaf (Height value) noexcept
 Gets whether the given height is the height for a "leaf" node. More...
static PLAYRHO_CONSTEXPR bool IsBranch (Height value) noexcept
 Gets whether the given height is a height for a "branch" node. More...
static PLAYRHO_CONSTEXPR Size GetDefaultInitialNodeCapacity () noexcept
 Gets the default initial node capacity. More...

Static Public Attributes

static const PLAYRHO_CONSTEXPR auto InvalidHeight = static_cast<Height>(-1)
 Invalid height constant value. More...


void swap (DynamicTree &lhs, DynamicTree &rhs) noexcept
 Customized swap function for DynamicTree objects. More...

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

DynamicTree::Height GetHeight (const DynamicTree &tree) noexcept
 Gets the height of the binary tree. More...
AABB GetAABB (const DynamicTree &tree) noexcept
 Gets the AABB for the given dynamic tree. More...
bool TestOverlap (const DynamicTree &tree, DynamicTree::Size leafIdA, DynamicTree::Size leafIdB) noexcept
 Tests for overlap of the elements identified in the given dynamic tree. More...

Detailed Description

A dynamic AABB tree broad-phase.

A dynamic tree arranges data in a binary tree to accelerate queries such as volume queries and ray casts. Leafs are proxies with an AABB.

A dynamic tree with a capacity of N nodes will always have N minus M "free" nodes and M "allocated" nodes where M is never more than N.
Freed nodes' "other" nodes are valid "next" older freed nodes, or they have the invalid size value indicating that they are the oldest freed node.
Allocated nodes' "other" nodes are valid "parent" nodes, or they have the invalid size value indicating that they are parentless.
The root node's index is either the index to the node at the root of the tree or it's the invalid size value indicating that this tree is empty.
The root node's "other" index will be the invalid size value.
Allocated nodes can only be "branch" or "leaf" nodes.
Branch nodes always have two valid "child" nodes.
Branch nodes always have a "height" of 1 plus the maximum height of its children.
Branch nodes' AABBs are always the AABB which minimally encloses its children.
Leaf nodes always have a "height" of zero.
Freed nodes always have a "height" of the maximum value of the height type.
This code was inspired by Nathanael Presson's btDbvt.
Nodes are pooled and relocatable, so we use node indices rather than pointers.
This data structure is 32-bytes large (on at least one 64-bit platform).
See also
http://www.cs.utah.edu/~thiago/papers/rotations.pdf ("Fast, Effective BVH Updates for Animated Scenes")

Definition at line 71 of file DynamicTree.hpp.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Size

Size type.

Definition at line 75 of file DynamicTree.hpp.

◆ Height

Type for heights.

The maximum height of a tree can never exceed half of the max value of the Size type due to the binary nature of this tree structure.

Definition at line 92 of file DynamicTree.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DynamicTree() [1/4]

playrho::d2::DynamicTree::DynamicTree ( )

Default constructor.

◆ DynamicTree() [2/4]

playrho::d2::DynamicTree::DynamicTree ( Size  nodeCapacity)

Size initializing constructor.

Definition at line 381 of file DynamicTree.cpp.

◆ ~DynamicTree()

playrho::d2::DynamicTree::~DynamicTree ( )

Destroys the tree, freeing the node pool.

Definition at line 423 of file DynamicTree.cpp.

◆ DynamicTree() [3/4]

playrho::d2::DynamicTree::DynamicTree ( const DynamicTree other)

Copy constructor.

Definition at line 398 of file DynamicTree.cpp.

◆ DynamicTree() [4/4]

playrho::d2::DynamicTree::DynamicTree ( DynamicTree &&  other)

Move constructor.

Definition at line 409 of file DynamicTree.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetInvalidSize()

static PLAYRHO_CONSTEXPR Size playrho::d2::DynamicTree::GetInvalidSize ( )

Gets the invalid size value.

Definition at line 84 of file DynamicTree.hpp.

◆ GetInvalidHeight()

static PLAYRHO_CONSTEXPR Height playrho::d2::DynamicTree::GetInvalidHeight ( )

Gets the invalid height value.

Definition at line 98 of file DynamicTree.hpp.

◆ IsUnused()

static PLAYRHO_CONSTEXPR bool playrho::d2::DynamicTree::IsUnused ( Height  value)

Gets whether the given height is the height for an "unused" node.

Definition at line 104 of file DynamicTree.hpp.

◆ IsLeaf()

static PLAYRHO_CONSTEXPR bool playrho::d2::DynamicTree::IsLeaf ( Height  value)

Gets whether the given height is the height for a "leaf" node.

Definition at line 110 of file DynamicTree.hpp.

◆ IsBranch()

static PLAYRHO_CONSTEXPR bool playrho::d2::DynamicTree::IsBranch ( Height  value)

Gets whether the given height is a height for a "branch" node.

Definition at line 116 of file DynamicTree.hpp.

◆ GetDefaultInitialNodeCapacity()

PLAYRHO_CONSTEXPR DynamicTree::Size playrho::d2::DynamicTree::GetDefaultInitialNodeCapacity ( )

Gets the default initial node capacity.

Definition at line 538 of file DynamicTree.hpp.

◆ operator=()

DynamicTree & playrho::d2::DynamicTree::operator= ( DynamicTree  other)

Unifying assignment operator.

This intentionally takes the argument by-value. Along with the move constructor, this assignment method effectively doubles up as both copy assignment and move assignment support.
See also

Definition at line 415 of file DynamicTree.cpp.

◆ CreateLeaf()

DynamicTree::Size playrho::d2::DynamicTree::CreateLeaf ( const AABB aabb,
const LeafData data 

Creates a new leaf node.

Creates a leaf node for a tight fitting AABB and the given data.

The indices of leaf nodes that have been destroyed get reused for new nodes.
If the root index had been the GetInvalidSize(), then it will be set to the index returned from this method.
The leaf count will be incremented by one.
The index of the created leaf node.

Definition at line 516 of file DynamicTree.cpp.

◆ DestroyLeaf()

void playrho::d2::DynamicTree::DestroyLeaf ( Size  index)

Destroys a leaf node.

The leaf count will be decremented by one.
Behavior is undefined if the given index is not valid.

Definition at line 533 of file DynamicTree.cpp.

◆ UpdateLeaf()

void playrho::d2::DynamicTree::UpdateLeaf ( Size  index,
const AABB aabb 

Updates a leaf node with a new AABB value.

Behavior is undefined if the given index is not valid.
indexLeaf node's ID. Behavior is undefined if this is not a valid ID.
aabbNew axis aligned bounding box for the leaf node.

Definition at line 566 of file DynamicTree.cpp.

◆ GetLeafData()

DynamicTree::LeafData playrho::d2::DynamicTree::GetLeafData ( Size  index) const

Gets the user data for the node identified by the given identifier.

Behavior is undefined if the given index is not valid.
indexIdentifier of node to get the user data for.
User data for the specified node.

Definition at line 602 of file DynamicTree.hpp.

◆ SetLeafData()

void playrho::d2::DynamicTree::SetLeafData ( Size  index,
LeafData  value 

Sets the leaf data for the element at the given index to the given value.

Definition at line 610 of file DynamicTree.hpp.

◆ GetAABB()

AABB playrho::d2::DynamicTree::GetAABB ( Size  index) const

Gets the AABB for a leaf or branch (a non-unused node).

Behavior is undefined if the given index is not valid.
indexLeaf or branch node's ID. Must be a valid ID.

Definition at line 586 of file DynamicTree.hpp.

◆ GetHeight()

DynamicTree::Height playrho::d2::DynamicTree::GetHeight ( Size  index) const

Gets the height value for the identified node.

Behavior is undefined if the given index is not valid.

Definition at line 572 of file DynamicTree.hpp.

◆ GetOther()

DynamicTree::Size playrho::d2::DynamicTree::GetOther ( Size  index) const

Gets the "other" index for the node at the given index.

For unused nodes, this is the index to the "next" unused node.
For used nodes (leaf or branch nodes), this is the index to the "parent" node.
Behavior is undefined if the given index is not valid.
This tree has a node capacity greater than the given index.
The invalid index value or a value less than the node capacity.

Definition at line 579 of file DynamicTree.hpp.

◆ GetBranchData()

DynamicTree::BranchData playrho::d2::DynamicTree::GetBranchData ( Size  index) const

Gets the branch data for the identified node.

Behavior is undefined if the given index in not a valid branch node.

Definition at line 594 of file DynamicTree.hpp.

◆ GetRootIndex()

DynamicTree::Size playrho::d2::DynamicTree::GetRootIndex ( ) const

Gets the index of the "root" node if this tree has one.

If the tree has a root node, then the "other" property of this node will be the invalid size.
GetInvalidSize() if this tree is "empty", else index to "root" node.

Definition at line 543 of file DynamicTree.hpp.

◆ GetFreeIndex()

DynamicTree::Size playrho::d2::DynamicTree::GetFreeIndex ( ) const

Gets the free index.

Definition at line 550 of file DynamicTree.hpp.

◆ RebuildBottomUp()

void playrho::d2::DynamicTree::RebuildBottomUp ( )

Builds an optimal tree.

This operation is very expensive.
Meant for testing.

Definition at line 583 of file DynamicTree.cpp.

◆ ShiftOrigin()

void playrho::d2::DynamicTree::ShiftOrigin ( Length2  newOrigin)

Shifts the world origin.

Useful for large worlds.
The shift formula is: position -= newOrigin.
newOriginthe new origin with respect to the old origin.

Definition at line 652 of file DynamicTree.cpp.

◆ GetNodeCapacity()

DynamicTree::Size playrho::d2::DynamicTree::GetNodeCapacity ( ) const

Gets the current node capacity of this tree.

Definition at line 555 of file DynamicTree.hpp.

◆ GetNodeCount()

DynamicTree::Size playrho::d2::DynamicTree::GetNodeCount ( ) const

Gets the current count of allocated nodes.

Count of existing proxies (count of nodes currently allocated).

Definition at line 560 of file DynamicTree.hpp.

◆ GetLeafCount()

DynamicTree::Size playrho::d2::DynamicTree::GetLeafCount ( ) const

Gets the current leaf node count.

Gets the current leaf node count.


Definition at line 565 of file DynamicTree.hpp.

◆ FindReference()

DynamicTree::Size playrho::d2::DynamicTree::FindReference ( Size  index) const

Finds first node which references the given index.

Primarily intended for unit testing and/or debugging.
Index of node referencing the given index, or the value of GetInvalidSize().

Definition at line 496 of file DynamicTree.cpp.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ swap

void swap ( DynamicTree lhs,
DynamicTree rhs 

Customized swap function for DynamicTree objects.

This satisfies the Swappable concept.
See also

Definition at line 666 of file DynamicTree.cpp.

◆ GetHeight()

DynamicTree::Height GetHeight ( const DynamicTree tree)

Gets the height of the binary tree.

Height of the tree (as stored in the root node) or 0 if the root node is not valid.

Definition at line 673 of file DynamicTree.hpp.

◆ GetAABB()

AABB GetAABB ( const DynamicTree tree)

Gets the AABB for the given dynamic tree.

Gets the AABB that encloses all other AABB instances that are within the given dynamic tree.

Enclosing AABB or the "unset" AABB.

Definition at line 684 of file DynamicTree.hpp.

◆ TestOverlap()

bool TestOverlap ( const DynamicTree tree,
DynamicTree::Size  leafIdA,
DynamicTree::Size  leafIdB 

Tests for overlap of the elements identified in the given dynamic tree.

Definition at line 692 of file DynamicTree.hpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ InvalidHeight

const PLAYRHO_CONSTEXPR auto playrho::d2::DynamicTree::InvalidHeight = static_cast<Height>(-1)

Invalid height constant value.

Definition at line 95 of file DynamicTree.hpp.

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