Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Cplayrho::detail::AABB< N >N-dimensional Axis Aligned Bounding Box
 Cplayrho::detail::AABB< 2 >
 Cplayrho::d2::Acceleration2-D acceleration related data structure
 Cplayrho::AllocatedArray< T, Deleter >Allocated Array
 Cplayrho::ArrayList< VALUE_TYPE, MAXSIZE, SIZE_TYPE >Array list
 Cplayrho::ArrayList< Real, MaxSimplexEdges, std::remove_const< decltype(MaxSimplexEdges)>::type >
 Cplayrho::ArrayList< SimplexEdge, MaxSimplexEdges, std::remove_const< decltype(MaxSimplexEdges)>::type >
 Cplayrho::d2::BaseShapeConfBase configuration for initializing shapes
 Cplayrho::BlockDeallocatorBlock deallocator
 Cplayrho::d2::BodyPhysical entity that exists within a World
 Cplayrho::d2::BodyAttyBody attorney
 Cplayrho::d2::BodyConfBody configuration
 Cplayrho::d2::BodyConstraintBody Constraint
 Cplayrho::BoundedValue< T, lo, hi >Bounded value
 Cplayrho::BoundedValue< Angle >
 Cplayrho::BoundedValue< Length >
 Cplayrho::BoundedValue< Real >
 Cplayrho::d2::DynamicTree::BranchDataBranch data of a tree node
 Cplayrho::d2::Simplex::CacheSimplex cache
 Cplayrho::d2::ClipVertexClip vertex
 Cplayrho::StackAllocator::ConfStack allocator configuration data
 Cplayrho::d2::VelocityConstraint::ConfConfiguration data for velocity constraints
 Cplayrho::d2::Manifold::ConfConfiguration data for manifold calculation
 Cplayrho::d2::ContactA potential contact between the children of two Fixture objects
 Cplayrho::d2::ContactAttyContact attorney
 Cplayrho::ContactFeatureContact Feature
 Cplayrho::ContactKeyKey value class for contacts
 Cplayrho::d2::ContactListenerA pure-virtual interface for "listeners" for contacts
 Cplayrho::d2::ConvexHullConvex hull
 Cplayrho::detail::Defaults< T >Defaults object for real types
 Cplayrho::detail::Defaults< Fixed< std::int32_t, FRACTION_BITS > >Specialization of defaults object for fixed point types
 Cplayrho::d2::DistanceConfDistance Configuration
 Cplayrho::d2::DistanceOutputDistance Output
 Cplayrho::d2::DistanceProxyDistance Proxy
 Cplayrho::d2::DynamicTreeA dynamic AABB tree broad-phase
 Cstd::equal_to< playrho::d2::JointKey >Function object for performing equal-to comparisons between two joint keys
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cplayrho::FilterA holder for contact filtering data
 Cplayrho::Fixed< BASE_TYPE, FRACTION_BITS >Template class for fixed-point numbers
 Cplayrho::d2::FixtureAn association between a body and a shape
 Cplayrho::d2::FixtureAttyFixture attorney
 Cplayrho::d2::FixtureConfFixture definition
 Cplayrho::FixtureProxyFixture proxy
 Cplayrho::FlagGuard< T >Flag guard type
 Cplayrho::GrowableStack< T, N >
 Cstd::hash< playrho::ContactKey >Hash function object specialization for ContactKey
 Cplayrho::HasType< T, Tuple >Has-type trait template class
 Cplayrho::HasType< T, std::tuple< Ts... > >
 Cplayrho::Interval< T >Interval template type
 Cplayrho::d2::IslandDefinition of a self-contained constraint "island"
 Cplayrho::IslandStatsIsland solver statistics
 Cplayrho::d2::JointBase joint class
 Cplayrho::d2::JointAttyJoint attorney
 Cplayrho::d2::JointConfAbstract base Joint definition class
 Cplayrho::d2::JointKeyJoint key
 Cplayrho::d2::JointVisitorVisitor interface for Joint instances
 Cplayrho::d2::DynamicTree::LeafDataLeaf data of a tree node
 Cplayrho::LengthIndexPairA length associated with two vertex counter indices
 Cplayrho::detail::LengthIndices< N >Length and vertex counter array of indices
 Cstd::less< playrho::d2::JointKey >Function object for performing less-than comparisons between two joint keys
 Cplayrho::LexicographicalGreater< T >Function object for performing lexicographical greater-than comparisons of containers
 Cplayrho::LexicographicalGreaterEqual< T >Function object for performing lexicographical greater-than or equal-to comparisons of containers
 Cplayrho::LexicographicalLess< T >Function object for performing lexicographical less-than comparisons of containers
 Cplayrho::LexicographicalLessEqual< T >Function object for performing lexicographical less-than or equal-to comparisons of containers
 Cplayrho::d2::ManifoldA collision response oriented description of the intersection of two convex shapes
 Cplayrho::detail::MassData< N >Mass data
 Cplayrho::MovementConfMovement configuration
 Cstd::numeric_limits< playrho::Fixed< BT, FB > >Template specialization of numeric limits for Fixed types
 Cplayrho::OptionalValue< T >Optional value template class
 Cplayrho::OptionalValue< JointType >
 Cplayrho::d2::VelocityConstraint::PointVelocity constraint point
 Cplayrho::d2::Manifold::PointData for a point of collision in a Manifold
 Cplayrho::d2::WorldManifold::PointDataPoint data for world manifold
 Cplayrho::PointStatesPoint states
 Cplayrho::d2::Position2-D positional data structure
 Cplayrho::d2::PositionSolutionSolution for position constraint
 Cplayrho::PreStepStatsPre-phase per-step statistics
 Cplayrho::Range< IT >Template range value class
 Cplayrho::d2::RayCastHitRay-cast hit data
 Cplayrho::detail::RayCastInput< N >Ray-cast input data for N-dimensions
 Cplayrho::RegStepStatsRegular-phase per-step statistics
 Cplayrho::detail::SeparationInfo< N >Separation information
 Cplayrho::d2::SeparationScenarioSeparation scenario
 Cplayrho::d2::SimplexAn encapsulation of a point, line segment, or triangle
 Cplayrho::d2::SimplexEdgeSimplex edge
 Cplayrho::Span< T >A C++ encapsulation of an array and its size
 Cplayrho::TOIOutput::StatisticsTime of impact statistics
 Cplayrho::StepConfStep configuration
 Cplayrho::StepStatsPer-step statistics
 Cplayrho::d2::SweepDescription of a "sweep" of motion in 2-D space
 Cplayrho::ToiConfTime of impact configuration
 Cplayrho::TOIOutputOutput data for time of impact
 Cplayrho::ToiStepStatsTOI-phase per-step statistics
 Cplayrho::d2::TransformationDescribes a geometric transformation
 Cplayrho::d2::DynamicTree::TreeNodeA node in the dynamic tree
 Cstd::tuple_element< I, playrho::d2::UnitVec >Tuple element type info for playrho::d2::UnitVec
 Cstd::tuple_element< I, playrho::Vector< T, N > >Tuple element type info for playrho::Vector
 Cplayrho::d2::UnitVec2-D unit vector
 Cplayrho::d2::DynamicTree::UnusedDataUnused data of a tree node
 Cplayrho::d2::Contact::UpdateConfUpdate configuration
 Cplayrho::ValueCheckHelper< T, Enable >Value check helper
 Cplayrho::ValueCheckHelper< T, std::enable_if_t< HasOne< T >::value > >Specialization of the value check helper
 Cplayrho::d2::DynamicTree::VariantDataVariant data
 Cplayrho::Vector< T, N >Vector
 Cplayrho::Vector< InvMass >
 Cplayrho::Vector< Length >
 Cplayrho::Vector< Length, N >
 Cplayrho::Vector< LinearAcceleration >
 Cplayrho::Vector< LinearVelocity >
 Cplayrho::Vector< Mass >
 Cplayrho::Vector< Momentum >
 Cplayrho::Vector< Real >
 Cplayrho::d2::Velocity2-D velocity related data structure
 Cplayrho::VersionVersion numbering scheme
 Cplayrho::d2::VertexSetVertex Set
 Cplayrho::detail::Voidify<... >Voiding template class
 Cplayrho::Wider< T >Wider data type obtainer
 Cplayrho::Wider< BodyCounter >
 Cplayrho::Wider< dist_iter_type >
 Cplayrho::Wider< double >Specialization of the Wider trait for double
 Cplayrho::Wider< float >Specialization of the Wider trait for float
 Cplayrho::Wider< root_iter_type >
 Cplayrho::Wider< std::int16_t >Specialization of the Wider trait for signed 16-bit integers
 Cplayrho::Wider< std::int32_t >Specialization of the Wider trait for signed 32-bit integers
 Cplayrho::Wider< std::int8_t >Specialization of the Wider trait for signed 8-bit integers
 Cplayrho::Wider< std::uint16_t >Specialization of the Wider trait for unsigned 16-bit integers
 Cplayrho::Wider< std::uint32_t >Specialization of the Wider trait for unsigned 32-bit integers
 Cplayrho::Wider< std::uint8_t >Specialization of the Wider trait for unsigned 8-bit integers
 Cplayrho::Wider< toi_iter_type >
 Cplayrho::d2::WorldDefinition of an independent and simulatable "world"
 Cplayrho::d2::WorldAttyWorld attorney
 Cplayrho::d2::WorldConfWorld configuration data
 Cplayrho::d2::WorldManifoldEssentially a Manifold expressed in world coordinate terms