Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CAllocatedArrayAllocated Array
 CArrayListArray list
 CBlockDeallocatorBlock deallocator
 CBoundedValueBounded value
 CContactFeatureContact Feature
 CContactKeyKey value class for contacts
 CFilterA holder for contact filtering data
 CFixedTemplate class for fixed-point numbers
 CFixtureProxyFixture proxy
 CFlagGuardFlag guard type
 CHasOne< T, detail::VoidT< decltype(T{1}) > >Template specialization for valid/acceptable "arithmetic" types
 CHasTypeHas-type trait template class
 CHasType< T, std::tuple< T, Ts... > >Has-type trait true class
 CHasType< T, std::tuple< U, Ts... > >Has-type trait template super class
 CHasType< T, std::tuple<> >Has-type trait template class specialized for std::tuple classes
 CIntervalInterval template type
 CInvalidArgumentInvalid argument logic error
 CIsAddableTemplate for determining if the given types are addable
 CIsAddable< T1, T2, detail::VoidT< decltype(T1{}+T2{})> >Template specializing for addable types
 CIsArithmeticTemplate for determining if the given type is an "arithmetic" type
 CIsArithmetic< T, detail::VoidT< decltype(T{}+T{}), decltype(T{} - T{}), decltype(T{} *T{}), decltype(T{}/T{}) > >Template specialization for valid/acceptable "arithmetic" types
 CIsDivisableTemplate for determining if the given types are divisable
 CIsDivisable< T1, T2, detail::VoidT< decltype(T1{}/T2{})> >Template specializing for divisable types
 CIsEqualityComparableTemplate for determining if the given type is an equality comparable type
 CIsEqualityComparable< T1, T2, detail::VoidT< decltype(T1{}==T2{})> >Template specialization for equality comparable types
 CIsInequalityComparableTemplate for determining if the given type is an inequality comparable type
 CIsInequalityComparable< T1, T2, detail::VoidT< decltype(T1{} !=T2{})> >Template specialization for inequality comparable types
 CIslandStatsIsland solver statistics
 CIsMatrixTrait class for checking if type is a matrix type
 CIsMatrix< Vector< Vector< T, N >, M > >Trait class specialization for checking if type is a matrix type
 CIsMultipliableTemplate for determining if the given types are multipliable
 CIsMultipliable< T1, T2, detail::VoidT< decltype(T1{} *T2{})> >Template specializing for multipliable types
 CIsSquareMatrixTrait class for checking if type is a square matrix type
 CIsSquareMatrix< Vector< Vector< T, M >, M > >Trait class specialization for checking if type is a square matrix type
 CIsVectorTrait class for checking if type is a Vector type
 CIsVector< Vector< T, N > >Trait class specialization for checking if type is a Vector type.
 CLengthErrorLength based logic error
 CLengthIndexPairA length associated with two vertex counter indices
 CLexicographicalGreaterFunction object for performing lexicographical greater-than comparisons of containers
 CLexicographicalGreaterEqualFunction object for performing lexicographical greater-than or equal-to comparisons of containers
 CLexicographicalLessFunction object for performing lexicographical less-than comparisons of containers
 CLexicographicalLessEqualFunction object for performing lexicographical less-than or equal-to comparisons of containers
 CMovementConfMovement configuration
 COptionalValueOptional value template class
 CPointStatesPoint states
 CPreStepStatsPre-phase per-step statistics
 CRangeTemplate range value class
 CRegStepStatsRegular-phase per-step statistics
 CSizedRangeTemplate sized range value class
 CSpanA C++ encapsulation of an array and its size
 CStepConfStep configuration
 CStepStatsPer-step statistics
 CToiConfTime of impact configuration
 CTOIOutputOutput data for time of impact
 CToiStepStatsTOI-phase per-step statistics
 CValueCheckHelperValue check helper
 CValueCheckHelper< T, std::enable_if_t< HasOne< T >::value > >Specialization of the value check helper
 CVersionVersion numbering scheme
 CWiderWider data type obtainer
 CWider< double >Specialization of the Wider trait for double
 CWider< float >Specialization of the Wider trait for float
 CWider< std::int16_t >Specialization of the Wider trait for signed 16-bit integers
 CWider< std::int32_t >Specialization of the Wider trait for signed 32-bit integers
 CWider< std::int8_t >Specialization of the Wider trait for signed 8-bit integers
 CWider< std::uint16_t >Specialization of the Wider trait for unsigned 16-bit integers
 CWider< std::uint32_t >Specialization of the Wider trait for unsigned 32-bit integers
 CWider< std::uint8_t >Specialization of the Wider trait for unsigned 8-bit integers
 CWrongStateWrong state logic error
 NstdSTL namespace
 Cequal_to< playrho::d2::JointKey >Function object for performing equal-to comparisons between two joint keys
 Chash< playrho::ContactKey >Hash function object specialization for ContactKey
 Cless< playrho::d2::JointKey >Function object for performing less-than comparisons between two joint keys
 Cnumeric_limits< playrho::Fixed< BT, FB > >Template specialization of numeric limits for Fixed types
 Ctuple_element< I, playrho::d2::UnitVec >Tuple element type info for playrho::d2::UnitVec
 Ctuple_element< I, playrho::Vector< T, N > >Tuple element type info for playrho::Vector
 Ctuple_size< playrho::ArrayList< T, N, SIZE_TYPE > >Tuple size specialization for ArrayList classes
 Ctuple_size< playrho::d2::UnitVec >Tuple size info for playrho::d2::UnitVec
 Ctuple_size< playrho::Vector< T, N > >Tuple size info for playrho::Vector