A collision response oriented description of the intersection of two convex shapes. More...

#include <Manifold.hpp>


struct  Conf
 Configuration data for manifold calculation. More...
struct  Point
 Data for a point of collision in a Manifold. More...

Public Types

enum  Type : std::uint8_t { e_unset, e_circles, e_faceA, e_faceB }
using size_type = std::remove_const< decltype(MaxManifoldPoints)>::type
 Size type. More...
using CfIndex = ContactFeature::Index
 Contact feature index. More...
using CfType = ContactFeature::Type
 Contact feature type. More...

Public Member Functions

 Manifold ()=default
 Manifold (const Manifold &copy)=default
 Copy constructor. More...
PLAYRHO_CONSTEXPR Type GetType () const noexcept
PLAYRHO_CONSTEXPR size_type GetPointCount () const noexcept
PLAYRHO_CONSTEXPR ContactFeature GetContactFeature (size_type index) const noexcept
 Gets the contact feature for the given index. More...
PLAYRHO_CONSTEXPR Momentum2 GetContactImpulses (size_type index) const noexcept
 Gets the contact impulses for the given index. More...
void SetContactImpulses (size_type index, Momentum2 value) noexcept
 Sets the contact impulses for the given index. More...
const PointGetPoint (size_type index) const noexcept
 Gets the point identified by the given index. More...
void SetPointImpulses (size_type index, Momentum n, Momentum t)
 Sets the point impulses for the given index. More...
void AddPoint (const Point &mp) noexcept
void AddPoint (CfType type, CfIndex index, Length2 point) noexcept
 Adds a new point with the given data. More...
PLAYRHO_CONSTEXPR UnitVec GetLocalNormal () const noexcept
 Gets the local normal for a face-type manifold. More...
PLAYRHO_CONSTEXPR Length2 GetLocalPoint () const noexcept
 Gets the local point. More...
PLAYRHO_CONSTEXPR Length2 GetOpposingPoint (size_type index) const noexcept
 Gets the opposing point. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static Manifold GetForCircles (Length2 vA, CfIndex iA, Length2 vB, CfIndex iB) noexcept
static Manifold GetForFaceA (UnitVec normalA, Length2 faceA) noexcept
static Manifold GetForFaceA (UnitVec ln, Length2 lp, const Point &mp1) noexcept
static Manifold GetForFaceA (UnitVec ln, Length2 lp, const Point &mp1, const Point &mp2) noexcept
static Manifold GetForFaceB (UnitVec ln, Length2 lp) noexcept
static Manifold GetForFaceB (UnitVec ln, Length2 lp, const Point &mp1) noexcept
static Manifold GetForFaceB (UnitVec ln, Length2 lp, const Point &mp1, const Point &mp2) noexcept
static Manifold GetForFaceA (UnitVec na, CfIndex ia, Length2 pa) noexcept
 Gets the face A manifold for the given data. More...
static Manifold GetForFaceB (UnitVec nb, CfIndex ib, Length2 pb) noexcept
 Gets the face B manifold for the given data. More...
static Manifold GetForFaceA (UnitVec na, CfIndex ia, Length2 pa, CfType tb0, CfIndex ib0, Length2 pb0) noexcept
 Gets the face A manifold for the given data. More...
static Manifold GetForFaceB (UnitVec nb, CfIndex ib, Length2 pb, CfType ta0, CfIndex ia0, Length2 pa0) noexcept
 Gets the face B manifold for the given data. More...
static Manifold GetForFaceA (UnitVec na, CfIndex ia, Length2 pa, CfType tb0, CfIndex ib0, Length2 pb0, CfType tb1, CfIndex ib1, Length2 pb1) noexcept
 Gets the face A manifold for the given data. More...
static Manifold GetForFaceB (UnitVec nb, CfIndex ib, Length2 pb, CfType ta0, CfIndex ia0, Length2 pa0, CfType ta1, CfIndex ia1, Length2 pa1) noexcept
 Gets the face B manifold for the given data. More...

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

bool operator== (const Manifold &lhs, const Manifold &rhs) noexcept
 Manifold equality operator. More...
bool operator!= (const Manifold &lhs, const Manifold &rhs) noexcept
 Manifold inequality operator. More...
Manifold CollideShapes (const DistanceProxy &shapeA, const Transformation &xfA, const DistanceProxy &shapeB, const Transformation &xfB, Manifold::Conf conf=GetDefaultManifoldConf())
 Calculates the relevant collision manifold. More...
PLAYRHO_CONSTEXPR bool IsValid (const d2::Manifold &value) noexcept
 Gets whether the given manifold is valid. More...
WorldManifold GetWorldManifold (const Manifold &manifold, Transformation xfA, Length radiusA, Transformation xfB, Length radiusB)
 Gets the world manifold for the given data. More...

Detailed Description

A collision response oriented description of the intersection of two convex shapes.

This describes zero, one, or two points of contact for which impulses should be applied to most naturally resolve those contacts. Ideally the manifold is calculated at the earliest point in time of contact occurring. The further past that time, the less natural contact resolution of solid bodies will be - eventually resulting in oddities like tunneling.

Multiple types of contact are supported: clip point versus plane with radius, point versus point with radius (circles). Contacts are stored in this way so that position correction can account for movement, which is critical for continuous physics. All contact scenarios must be expressed in one of these types.

Conceptually, a manifold represents the intersection of two convex sets (which is itself a convex set) and a solution for moving the sets away from each other to eliminate the intersection.

The local point and local normal usage depends on the manifold type. For details, see the documentation associated with the different manifold types.
Every point adds computational overhead to the collision response calculation - so express collision manifolds with one point if possible instead of two.
While this data structure is at least 58-bytes large (60-bytes on one 64-bit platform), it is intentionally 64-byte aligned making it 64-byte large (on 64-bit platforms with 4-byte Real).
See also
Contact, PositionConstraint, VelocityConstraint

Definition at line 64 of file Manifold.hpp.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ size_type

using playrho::d2::Manifold::size_type = std::remove_const<decltype(MaxManifoldPoints)>::type

Size type.

Definition at line 69 of file Manifold.hpp.

◆ CfIndex

Contact feature index.

Definition at line 72 of file Manifold.hpp.

◆ CfType

Contact feature type.

Definition at line 75 of file Manifold.hpp.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Type

enum playrho::d2::Manifold::Type : std::uint8_t

Manifold type.

This is by design a 1-byte sized type.

Unset type.

Manifold is unset. For manifolds of this type: the point count is zero, point data is undefined, and all other properties are invalid.


Circles type.

Manifold is for circle-to-circle like collisions.

For manifolds of this type: the local point is local center of "circle-A" (where shape A wasn't necessarily a circle but treating it as such is useful), the local normal is invalid (and unused) and, the point count will be zero or one where the contact feature will be ContactFeature{e_vertex, i, e_vertex, j} where i and j are indexes of the vertexes of shapes A and B respectively.

Face-A type.

Indicates: local point is center of face A, local normal is normal on shape A, and the local points of Point instances are the local center of circle B or a clip point of polygon B where the contact feature will be ContactFeature{e_face, i, e_vertex, j} or ContactFeature{e_face, i, e_face, j} where i and j are indexes for the vertex or edge of shapes A and B respectively..


Face-B type.

Indicates: local point is center of face B, local normal is normal on shape B, and the local points of Point instances are the local center of circle A or a clip point of polygon A where the contact feature will be ContactFeature{e_face, i, e_vertex, j} or ContactFeature{e_face, i, e_face, j} where i and j are indexes for the vertex or edge of shapes A and B respectively..

Definition at line 81 of file Manifold.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Manifold() [1/2]

playrho::d2::Manifold::Manifold ( )

Default constructor.

Constructs an unset-type manifold. For an unset-type manifold: point count is zero, point data is undefined, and all other properties are invalid.

◆ Manifold() [2/2]

playrho::d2::Manifold::Manifold ( const Manifold copy)

Copy constructor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetForCircles()

static Manifold playrho::d2::Manifold::GetForCircles ( Length2  vA,
CfIndex  iA,
Length2  vB,
CfIndex  iB 

Gets a circles-typed manifold with one point.

vALocal center of "circle" A.
iAIndex of vertex from shape A representing the local center of "circle" A.
vBLocal center of "circle" B.
iBIndex of vertex from shape B representing the local center of "circle" B.

Definition at line 165 of file Manifold.hpp.

◆ GetForFaceA() [1/6]

static Manifold playrho::d2::Manifold::GetForFaceA ( UnitVec  normalA,
Length2  faceA 

Gets a face A typed manifold.

normalALocal normal of the face from polygon A.
faceAAny point in local coordinates on the face whose normal was provided.

Definition at line 177 of file Manifold.hpp.

◆ GetForFaceA() [2/6]

static Manifold playrho::d2::Manifold::GetForFaceA ( UnitVec  ln,
Length2  lp,
const Point mp1 

Gets a face A typed manifold.

lnNormal on polygon A.
lpCenter of face A.
mp1Manifold point 1 (of 1).

Definition at line 186 of file Manifold.hpp.

◆ GetForFaceA() [3/6]

static Manifold playrho::d2::Manifold::GetForFaceA ( UnitVec  ln,
Length2  lp,
const Point mp1,
const Point mp2 

Gets a face A typed manifold.

lnNormal on polygon A.
lpCenter of face A.
mp1Manifold point 1 (of 2).
mp2Manifold point 2 (of 2).

Definition at line 198 of file Manifold.hpp.

◆ GetForFaceB() [1/6]

static Manifold playrho::d2::Manifold::GetForFaceB ( UnitVec  ln,
Length2  lp 

Gets a face B typed manifold.

lnNormal on polygon B.
lpCenter of face B.

Definition at line 212 of file Manifold.hpp.

◆ GetForFaceB() [2/6]

static Manifold playrho::d2::Manifold::GetForFaceB ( UnitVec  ln,
Length2  lp,
const Point mp1 

Gets a face B typed manifold.

lnNormal on polygon B.
lpCenter of face B.
mp1Manifold point 1.

Definition at line 221 of file Manifold.hpp.

◆ GetForFaceB() [3/6]

static Manifold playrho::d2::Manifold::GetForFaceB ( UnitVec  ln,
Length2  lp,
const Point mp1,
const Point mp2 

Gets a face B typed manifold.

lnNormal on polygon B.
lpCenter of face B.
mp1Manifold point 1 (of 2).
mp2Manifold point 2 (of 2).

Definition at line 233 of file Manifold.hpp.

◆ GetForFaceA() [4/6]

static Manifold playrho::d2::Manifold::GetForFaceA ( UnitVec  na,
CfIndex  ia,
Length2  pa 

Gets the face A manifold for the given data.

Definition at line 243 of file Manifold.hpp.

◆ GetForFaceB() [4/6]

static Manifold playrho::d2::Manifold::GetForFaceB ( UnitVec  nb,
CfIndex  ib,
Length2  pb 

Gets the face B manifold for the given data.

Definition at line 252 of file Manifold.hpp.

◆ GetForFaceA() [5/6]

static Manifold playrho::d2::Manifold::GetForFaceA ( UnitVec  na,
CfIndex  ia,
Length2  pa,
CfType  tb0,
CfIndex  ib0,
Length2  pb0 

Gets the face A manifold for the given data.

Definition at line 261 of file Manifold.hpp.

◆ GetForFaceB() [5/6]

static Manifold playrho::d2::Manifold::GetForFaceB ( UnitVec  nb,
CfIndex  ib,
Length2  pb,
CfType  ta0,
CfIndex  ia0,
Length2  pa0 

Gets the face B manifold for the given data.

Definition at line 271 of file Manifold.hpp.

◆ GetForFaceA() [6/6]

static Manifold playrho::d2::Manifold::GetForFaceA ( UnitVec  na,
CfIndex  ia,
Length2  pa,
CfType  tb0,
CfIndex  ib0,
Length2  pb0,
CfType  tb1,
CfIndex  ib1,
Length2  pb1 

Gets the face A manifold for the given data.

Definition at line 281 of file Manifold.hpp.

◆ GetForFaceB() [6/6]

static Manifold playrho::d2::Manifold::GetForFaceB ( UnitVec  nb,
CfIndex  ib,
Length2  pb,
CfType  ta0,
CfIndex  ia0,
Length2  pa0,
CfType  ta1,
CfIndex  ia1,
Length2  pa1 

Gets the face B manifold for the given data.

Definition at line 292 of file Manifold.hpp.

◆ GetType()

PLAYRHO_CONSTEXPR Type playrho::d2::Manifold::GetType ( ) const

Gets the type of this manifold.

This must be a constant expression in order to use it in the context of the IsValid specialized template function for it.

Definition at line 317 of file Manifold.hpp.

◆ GetPointCount()

PLAYRHO_CONSTEXPR size_type playrho::d2::Manifold::GetPointCount ( ) const

Gets the manifold point count.

This is the count of contact points for this manifold. Only up to this many points can be validly accessed using the GetPoint() method.

Non-zero values indicate that the two shapes are touching.
Value between 0 and MaxManifoldPoints.
See also

Definition at line 332 of file Manifold.hpp.

◆ GetContactFeature()

PLAYRHO_CONSTEXPR ContactFeature playrho::d2::Manifold::GetContactFeature ( size_type  index) const

Gets the contact feature for the given index.

Definition at line 335 of file Manifold.hpp.

◆ GetContactImpulses()

PLAYRHO_CONSTEXPR Momentum2 playrho::d2::Manifold::GetContactImpulses ( size_type  index) const

Gets the contact impulses for the given index.

Pair of impulses where the first impulse is the "normal impulse" and the second impulse is the "tangent impulse".

Definition at line 344 of file Manifold.hpp.

◆ SetContactImpulses()

void playrho::d2::Manifold::SetContactImpulses ( size_type  index,
Momentum2  value 

Sets the contact impulses for the given index.

Sets the contact impulses for the given index where the first impulse is the "normal impulse" and the second impulse is the "tangent impulse".

Definition at line 353 of file Manifold.hpp.

◆ GetPoint()

const Point& playrho::d2::Manifold::GetPoint ( size_type  index) const

Gets the point identified by the given index.

Definition at line 361 of file Manifold.hpp.

◆ SetPointImpulses()

void playrho::d2::Manifold::SetPointImpulses ( size_type  index,
Momentum  n,
Momentum  t 

Sets the point impulses for the given index.

Definition at line 368 of file Manifold.hpp.

◆ AddPoint() [1/2]

void playrho::d2::Manifold::AddPoint ( const Point mp)

Adds a new point.

This can be called once for circle type manifolds, and up to twice for face-A or face-B type manifolds. GetPointCount() can be called to find out how many points have already been added.

Behavior is undefined if this object's type is e_unset.
Behavior is undefined if this is called more than twice.

Definition at line 495 of file Manifold.hpp.

◆ AddPoint() [2/2]

void playrho::d2::Manifold::AddPoint ( CfType  type,
CfIndex  index,
Length2  point 

Adds a new point with the given data.

Definition at line 508 of file Manifold.hpp.

◆ GetLocalNormal()

PLAYRHO_CONSTEXPR UnitVec playrho::d2::Manifold::GetLocalNormal ( ) const

Gets the local normal for a face-type manifold.

Only valid for face-A or face-B type manifolds.
Behavior is undefined for unset (e_unset) type manifolds.
Behavior is undefined for circles (e_circles) type manifolds.
Local normal if the manifold type is face A or face B, else invalid value.

Definition at line 391 of file Manifold.hpp.

◆ GetLocalPoint()

PLAYRHO_CONSTEXPR Length2 playrho::d2::Manifold::GetLocalPoint ( ) const

Gets the local point.

This is the: local center of "circle" A for circles-type manifolds; the center of face A for face-A-type manifolds; or the center of face B for face-B-type manifolds.

Only valid for circle, face-A, or face-B type manifolds.
Behavior is undefined for unset (e_unset) type manifolds.
Local point.

Definition at line 406 of file Manifold.hpp.

◆ GetOpposingPoint()

PLAYRHO_CONSTEXPR Length2 playrho::d2::Manifold::GetOpposingPoint ( size_type  index) const

Gets the opposing point.

Definition at line 413 of file Manifold.hpp.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ operator==()

bool operator== ( const Manifold lhs,
const Manifold rhs 

Manifold equality operator.

In-so-far as manifold points are concerned, order doesn't matter; only whether the two manifolds have the same point set.

Definition at line 813 of file Manifold.cpp.

◆ operator!=()

bool operator!= ( const Manifold lhs,
const Manifold rhs 

Manifold inequality operator.

Determines whether the two given manifolds are not equal.

Definition at line 890 of file Manifold.cpp.

◆ CollideShapes()

Manifold CollideShapes ( const DistanceProxy shapeA,
const Transformation xfA,
const DistanceProxy shapeB,
const Transformation xfB,
Manifold::Conf  conf = GetDefaultManifoldConf() 

Calculates the relevant collision manifold.

The returned touching state information typically agrees with that returned from the distance-proxy-based TestOverlap function. This is not always the case however especially when the separation or overlap distance is closer to zero.

Definition at line 388 of file Manifold.cpp.

◆ IsValid()

PLAYRHO_CONSTEXPR bool IsValid ( const d2::Manifold value)

Gets whether the given manifold is valid.

Definition at line 620 of file Manifold.hpp.

◆ GetWorldManifold()

WorldManifold GetWorldManifold ( const Manifold manifold,
Transformation  xfA,
Length  radiusA,
Transformation  xfB,
Length  radiusB 

Gets the world manifold for the given data.

The given manifold input has between 0 and 2 points.
manifoldManifold to use. Uses the manifold's type, local point, local normal, point-count, and the indexed-points' local point data.
xfATransformation A.
radiusARadius of shape A.
xfBTransformation B.
radiusBRadius of shape B.
World manifold value for the given inputs which will have the same number of points as the given manifold has. The returned world manifold points will be the mid-points of the manifold intersection.

Definition at line 105 of file WorldManifold.cpp.

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