iv Namespace Reference




struct  Activator
class  Activator_AnimNode
class  Align
 Container providing special behaviors related to relative alignment of its child. More...
class  AndroidAssetResourceProvider
class  AnimConnector
class  AnimHeap
class  AnimNode
class  AnimNodeI
class  AnimSystem
class  Attr
class  Attribute
class  AttributeEventProcessor
class  AttributeListener
class  BlockAll_InputNode
class  Border
 Container that adds margins around child, allowing wide variety of positioning options inside parent. More...
class  callback_client_ptr
class  callback_instance_ptr
class  Camera
 Abstract class that represents root of a scene graph and can render it. More...
struct  CameraState
class  Char_InputNode
class  CharListener
class  client_ptr
class  ClientMarker
class  ClientMarkerIds
struct  ColorTransform
class  ComponentAttr
class  ComponentAttr_Index
class  ConfigFileSystem
class  ConfigStream
class  Context
class  Cooldown_Connector
class  DataStream
class  DataStream_Resource
class  DataStream_Subprovider
class  DebugInstanceListener
class  DebugView
class  DefaultBinder
class  DefaultLumaStyles
class  DelayedLoad
class  DelayedLoader
class  DelayedLoadStatus
class  DelayedLoadSystem
class  Destination_AnimNode
class  Destination_Connector
class  Destination_ConnectorGI
class  DirtyAttr
class  DirtyAttr_I
class  Divider
 Container that divides its space between children according to their priorities. More...
class  DividerSlot
 A Slot that can be placed inside a Divider. More...
class  DVar
class  DVar_Field
class  DVarCloner
class  DVarId
class  DVarIdT
class  DVarListener
class  DVarListenerI
class  DVarManipulator
class  DVarProperty
class  DVarSystem
class  Elem
class  ElementRenderer
class  ElementSystem
struct  ExponentialTransform
class  Field
class  FieldI
class  FixedOrder_Camera
 Scene root that renders items in fixed order, no Z sorting. More...
class  FixedUpdateClient
class  FlatShader
class  FlatShader_Resource
class  FlatShader_Subprovider
class  Font
class  Font_Resource
class  FontMesh
class  FrameUpdateClient
class  FSResourceProvider
class  FunctorActivatorAttribute
class  FunctorActivatorField
class  FunctorField
class  Game
struct  GameIdentity
class  GenericListener
class  GenericListener_Index
class  GlfmRenderTarget
class  GlfmWindow
class  GlfwRenderTarget
class  GlfwWindow
class  GlInfo
class  GlListener
class  GlMesh
struct  GlMeshData
class  GlProgram
class  GlSystem
class  GlTexture
struct  has_interpolate
struct  has_interpolate< T, typename interpolator::to_void< typename T::interpolate >::type >
struct  hash
struct  hash< Enum, typename std::enable_if< std::is_enum< Enum >::value >::type >
struct  hash< iv::int2 >
struct  hash< iv::int3 >
struct  hash< Me, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< iv::RuntimeId< Me >, Me >::value > >
struct  hash< std::pair< First, Second > >
struct  hash< std::tuple< TupleTypes... > >
class  Heap
class  I
class  Image
 Basic element that displays a texture. Has many optional configuration parameters. More...
struct  ImageLoader_Metadata
class  Input
class  InputBinder
class  InputBindingListener
class  InputBindingQuery
class  InputBindingSystem
class  InputEvent
class  InputId
class  InputNode
class  InputQuery
class  InputRoot
class  InputSource
class  InputSystem
class  Instance
class  instance_ptr
class  instance_ptr_interface
class  InstanceSystem
struct  int2_CompareByX
struct  int2_CompareByY
struct  Interpolator
struct  Interpolator< Float, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point< Float >::value > >
struct  Interpolator< float3 >
struct  Interpolator< float4x4 >
struct  Interpolator< Int, std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral< Int >::value > >
struct  Interpolator< std::optional< T > >
struct  Interpolator< std::string >
class  JsonLex
class  Key_InputNode
class  Lambda_Connector
class  LambdaLogTrace
class  Lex
class  Lex_LogTrace
struct  LinearTransform
class  Link
class  Local_AEP
class  LogId
class  LogTrace
class  LumaButton
 Flexible base for variously styled buttons that needs to be supplied multiple textures. More...
class  LumaFrame
 A window-like scrollable frame that needs to be supplied a texture. More...
class  LumaListener
class  LumaScroller
 Vertical scroller with simple graphics. More...
struct  LumaStyle
class  LumaStyleId
class  LumaStyler
class  LumaSystem
class  LumaText
 Text with theme-defined font and color. More...
class  Mesh
class  Mesh_Resource
class  MulAgg
class  multiline_ostream
class  multiline_ostream_streambuf
class  OneChildElem
class  Ostream_TextDebugView
class  Pickable
class  PickableSlot
class  Plain_StreamResourceSubprovider
class  PlatformDefault_ResourceProvider
class  Position_InputNode
class  Pratt
class  Prefsize
 Container that can override preferred size of its child. More...
class  PrivAttr
class  PrivAttr_I
class  PrivAttr_Owner
class  PrivField
class  PrivField_Owner
class  PrivValAttr
class  PrivValAttr_I
class  PrivValAttr_Owner
class  ProtectedSlot
struct  QuickstepTransform
class  RandomGenerator
class  RandomId
class  RandomSystem
class  Rectangle_LumaButton
 Simple rectangular button. More...
class  Renderable
class  RenderTarget
class  Resource_LogTrace
class  ResourceAccess
class  ResourceManagementSystem
class  ResourcePath
class  ResourceProvider
class  ResourcesRoot
struct  reversed
class  RuntimeId
struct  RuntimeIdDictionary
class  Scroller
class  Shader
struct  ShaderScissor
class  SharedAttr
class  SharedAttr_I
class  SimpleDiagnostics
class  SimpleLogger
class  SimpleSplash
 Splash screen that is visible during loading times. More...
class  SingularResource
class  Slot
 Container that can put multiple SlotChild objects in one place. More...
class  SlotChild
struct  Smoothstep2Transform
struct  Smoothstep3Transform
class  Source_AnimNode
class  Source_Connector
class  SourceInputNode
class  SquareMesh
class  SquareMesh_Resource
class  SquareMesh_Subprovider
struct  SrcInfo
class  SS
class  State_AnimNode
class  StreamFont
class  StreamFont_Subprovider
class  StreamResource
class  StreamResourceProvider
class  StreamResourceSubprovider
class  StreamTexture
class  StreamTexture_Subprovider
struct  StringIO
struct  StringIO< Activator >
struct  StringIO< Attr< T > >
struct  StringIO< Attribute::ValueMode >
struct  StringIO< AttributeEventProcessor::Event >
struct  StringIO< Axis >
struct  StringIO< AxisDirection >
struct  StringIO< AxisOrder >
struct  StringIO< bool >
struct  StringIO< ClientMarker >
struct  StringIO< ClientMarker const * >
struct  StringIO< ColorSpace >
struct  StringIO< const char * >
struct  StringIO< DirtyAttr_I< T > >
struct  StringIO< Field< T > >
struct  StringIO< FieldI::Assignment >
struct  StringIO< FlatShader::FilteringStage >
struct  StringIO< FlatShader::FittingStage >
struct  StringIO< FlatShader::PixelizeStage >
struct  StringIO< FlatShader::ResizeStage >
struct  StringIO< Float, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point< Float >::value > >
struct  StringIO< float4x4 >
struct  StringIO< floatQuat >
struct  StringIO< glm::tvec2< Type > >
struct  StringIO< glm::tvec3< Type > >
struct  StringIO< glm::tvec4< Type > >
struct  StringIO< Input::Key >
struct  StringIO< Input::Type >
struct  StringIO< MulAgg< Float > >
struct  StringIO< PixelFormat >
struct  StringIO< ResourcePath >
struct  StringIO< SimpleLogger::Flags >
struct  StringIO< std::any >
struct  StringIO< std::nullptr_t >
struct  StringIO< std::optional< T > >
struct  StringIO< std::pair< T, U > >
struct  StringIO< std::string >
struct  StringIO< SumAgg< Int > >
struct  StringIO< T * >
struct  StringIO< Texture::Filtering >
struct  StringIO< TypedRuntimeId, std::enable_if_t< std::is_base_of< RuntimeId< TypedRuntimeId >, TypedRuntimeId >::value > >
struct  StringIO_Table
struct  StringIOIndex
class  Sub
class  Sub_StructorFunctions
class  Sub_StructorFunctionsT
class  SubDirectory
class  SubId
class  SumAgg
class  System
class  SystemContainer
class  TableDebugView
class  TableId
class  TestGlfmWindow
class  Text
 Basic text element, needs to be supplied font path. More...
class  TextDebugView
class  TextLayout
 Container and layout manager for TextSegment objects. More...
class  TextOutput_ostream
class  TextOutput_streambuf
class  TextSegment
class  Texture
class  Texture_Resource
class  TimeId
class  TimeManipulator
class  TimeSystem
class  TimeTransform
class  TimeTransform_Connector
class  ToText_TableDebugView
class  Transform
 Container that allows us to directly modify model matrix of its child. Usable both in UI compositing and in world views. More...
class  Transform_ConnectorI
class  TranslucentElem
class  TreeDebugView
class  VectorChildrenElem
class  VirtualResourceProvider
class  VLink
class  volatile_set
class  Watch
class  Window
class  WindowListener
class  World
class  XcfInfo
class  XcfInfo_Resource
class  XcfInfo_Subprovider


using int2 = glm::tvec2< int >
using int3 = glm::tvec3< int >
using float2 = glm::tvec2< float >
using float3 = glm::vec3
using float4 = glm::tvec4< float >
using bool2 = glm::tvec2< bool >
using bool3 = glm::tvec3< bool >
using uchar = unsigned char
using uchar4 = glm::tvec4< unsigned char >
using float4x4 = glm::tmat4x4< float >
using floatQuat = glm::tquat< float >
using Interpolator_float = float
using Anim_float = Interpolator_float


enum  Axis { Axis::X, Axis::Y, Axis::Z, Axis::_Size }
enum  AxisOrder { AxisOrder::Incremental, AxisOrder::Decremental }
enum  AxisDirection {
  AxisDirection::X_Inc, AxisDirection::X_Dec, AxisDirection::Y_Inc, AxisDirection::Y_Dec,
  AxisDirection::Z_Inc, AxisDirection::Z_Dec
enum  GlMagFiltering { GlMagFiltering::Nearest = GL_NEAREST, GlMagFiltering::Linear = GL_LINEAR }
enum  GlMinFiltering {
  GlMinFiltering::Nearest = GL_NEAREST, GlMinFiltering::Linear = GL_LINEAR, GlMinFiltering::NearestMipmapNearest = GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST, GlMinFiltering::LinearMipmapNearest = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST,
  GlMinFiltering::NearestMipmapLinear = GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR, GlMinFiltering::LinearMipmapLinear = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR
enum  PixelFormat { PixelFormat::RGBA, PixelFormat::BGRA }
enum  ColorSpace { ColorSpace::sRGB, ColorSpace::Linear }


void ivorium_init ()
void ivorium_destroy ()
template<class Float >
Float mix_max (Float from, Float to, Float maxDist, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point< Float >::value, std::nullptr_t >=nullptr)
template<class Float >
Float abs (Float val)
template<class Float >
Float clamp (Float val, Float min, Float max)
void RuntimeId_WarningIdDoesNotExist (Context *context, char const *type_name, char const *persistent_name)
template<class Me >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, RuntimeId< Me > const &id)
int sig_div (int a, unsigned b)
int2 sig_div (int2 a, unsigned b)
int sig_mul (int a, unsigned b)
int2 sig_mul (int2 a, unsigned b)
int sig_mod (int a, unsigned b)
int2 sig_mod (int2 a, unsigned b)
float sig_fmod (float val, float mod)
void startup_warning (SrcInfo info, const char *message)
void runtime_warning (SrcInfo info, const char *message)
template<class Type >
Type StringIO_Read (const char *source, Context const *context)
std::string StringIO_Write (char const *const &value, Context const *context)
template<class Type >
std::string StringIO_Write (Type const &value, Context const *context)
size_t utf8_size (std::string const &val)
size_t utf8_size (const char *)
 ‍** More...
bool utf8_is_first_byte (char)
 If char is a last byte in an utf8 character. More...
void string_explode (std::string const &s, char delim, std::vector< std::string > &result)
std::string string_trim (std::string const &s)
std::string string_ltrim (std::string const &s)
std::string string_rtrim (std::string const &s)
float & float3_Axis (float3 &vec, Axis axis)
const float & float3_Axis (float3 const &vec, Axis axis)
template<class Callable >
void foreach_axis (Callable c)
bool ImageLoader_Load (StreamResource *resource, PixelFormat, std::function< void(ImageLoader_Metadata const &, uint8_t *bytes, size_t bytes_count) > const &f)
void GlError_Check (Context const *logger, SrcInfo const &src_info)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, iv::ResourcePath const &path)


TextOutput_ostream TextOutput
TableId AnimNode_DebugTable = TableId::create( "AnimNode" )
iv::TableId TimeTransform_Connector_DebugTable = TableId::create( "TimeTransform_Connector" )

Typedef Documentation

◆ int2

using iv::int2 = typedef glm::tvec2< int >

Definition at line 18 of file glm_alias.hpp.

◆ int3

using iv::int3 = typedef glm::tvec3< int >

Definition at line 19 of file glm_alias.hpp.

◆ float2

using iv::float2 = typedef glm::tvec2< float >

Definition at line 21 of file glm_alias.hpp.

◆ float3

using iv::float3 = typedef glm::vec3

Definition at line 23 of file glm_alias.hpp.

◆ float4

using iv::float4 = typedef glm::tvec4< float >

Definition at line 24 of file glm_alias.hpp.

◆ bool2

using iv::bool2 = typedef glm::tvec2< bool >

Definition at line 26 of file glm_alias.hpp.

◆ bool3

using iv::bool3 = typedef glm::tvec3< bool >

Definition at line 27 of file glm_alias.hpp.

◆ uchar

using iv::uchar = typedef unsigned char

Definition at line 29 of file glm_alias.hpp.

◆ uchar4

using iv::uchar4 = typedef glm::tvec4< unsigned char >

Definition at line 30 of file glm_alias.hpp.

◆ float4x4

using iv::float4x4 = typedef glm::tmat4x4< float >

Definition at line 32 of file glm_alias.hpp.

◆ floatQuat

using iv::floatQuat = typedef glm::tquat< float >

Definition at line 34 of file glm_alias.hpp.

◆ Interpolator_float

using iv::Interpolator_float = typedef float

Definition at line 27 of file Interpolator.hpp.

◆ Anim_float

Definition at line 8 of file AnimConnector.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ Axis

enum iv::Axis

Definition at line 8 of file Axis.hpp.

◆ AxisOrder

enum iv::AxisOrder

Definition at line 16 of file Axis.hpp.

◆ AxisDirection

enum iv::AxisDirection

Definition at line 22 of file Axis.hpp.

◆ GlMagFiltering

enum iv::GlMagFiltering

Definition at line 11 of file GlTexture.hpp.

◆ GlMinFiltering

enum iv::GlMinFiltering

Definition at line 17 of file GlTexture.hpp.

◆ PixelFormat

enum iv::PixelFormat

Definition at line 27 of file GlTexture.hpp.

◆ ColorSpace

enum iv::ColorSpace

Definition at line 33 of file GlTexture.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ ivorium_init()

void iv::ivorium_init ( )

Initialises used libraries: GLFW, FreeImage. Registers resource basic types to ResourceManagementSystem.

Definition at line 27 of file ivorium.cpp.

◆ ivorium_destroy()

void iv::ivorium_destroy ( )

Definition at line 59 of file ivorium.cpp.

◆ mix_max()

template<class Float >
Float iv::mix_max ( Float  from,
Float  to,
Float  maxDist,
std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point< Float >::value, std::nullptr_t >  = nullptr 

Definition at line 7 of file math.hpp.

◆ abs()

template<class Float >
Float iv::abs ( Float  val)

Definition at line 27 of file math.hpp.

◆ clamp()

template<class Float >
Float iv::clamp ( Float  val,
Float  min,
Float  max 

Definition at line 33 of file math.hpp.

◆ RuntimeId_WarningIdDoesNotExist()

void iv::RuntimeId_WarningIdDoesNotExist ( Context context,
char const *  type_name,
char const *  persistent_name 

Definition at line 10 of file RuntimeId.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [1/2]

template<class Me >
std::ostream& iv::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
RuntimeId< Me > const &  id 

Definition at line 92 of file RuntimeId.inl.

◆ sig_div() [1/2]

int iv::sig_div ( int  a,
unsigned  b 

Definition at line 8 of file sig_div.hpp.

◆ sig_div() [2/2]

int2 iv::sig_div ( int2  a,
unsigned  b 

Definition at line 16 of file sig_div.hpp.

◆ sig_mul() [1/2]

int iv::sig_mul ( int  a,
unsigned  b 

Definition at line 21 of file sig_div.hpp.

◆ sig_mul() [2/2]

int2 iv::sig_mul ( int2  a,
unsigned  b 

Definition at line 26 of file sig_div.hpp.

◆ sig_mod() [1/2]

int iv::sig_mod ( int  a,
unsigned  b 

Definition at line 31 of file sig_div.hpp.

◆ sig_mod() [2/2]

int2 iv::sig_mod ( int2  a,
unsigned  b 

Definition at line 39 of file sig_div.hpp.

◆ sig_fmod()

float iv::sig_fmod ( float  val,
float  mod 

Definition at line 44 of file sig_div.hpp.

◆ startup_warning()

void iv::startup_warning ( SrcInfo  info,
const char *  message 

Warnings in constructors of static instances, they run before main and are very deterministic.

Definition at line 11 of file static_warning.cpp.

◆ runtime_warning()

void iv::runtime_warning ( SrcInfo  info,
const char *  message 

Warnings in runtime that can not be easily associated with a ivorium::Context. Try to use this as rarely as possible since runtime warnings are sometimes unpredictable and it is easier to debug warnings reported to ivorium::Context.

Definition at line 22 of file static_warning.cpp.

◆ StringIO_Read()

template<class Type >
Type iv::StringIO_Read ( const char *  source,
Context const *  context 

Definition at line 20 of file StringIO.hpp.

◆ StringIO_Write() [1/2]

std::string iv::StringIO_Write ( char const *const &  value,
Context const *  context 

Definition at line 25 of file StringIO.hpp.

◆ StringIO_Write() [2/2]

template<class Type >
std::string iv::StringIO_Write ( Type const &  value,
Context const *  context 

Definition at line 31 of file StringIO.hpp.

◆ utf8_size() [1/2]

size_t iv::utf8_size ( std::string const &  val)

Definition at line 8 of file utils.cpp.

◆ utf8_size() [2/2]

size_t iv::utf8_size ( const char *  val)


Definition at line 13 of file utils.cpp.

◆ utf8_is_first_byte()

bool iv::utf8_is_first_byte ( char  c)

If char is a last byte in an utf8 character.

Definition at line 27 of file utils.cpp.

◆ string_explode()

void iv::string_explode ( std::string const &  s,
char  delim,
std::vector< std::string > &  result 

Definition at line 32 of file utils.cpp.

◆ string_trim()

std::string iv::string_trim ( std::string const &  s)

Definition at line 42 of file utils.cpp.

◆ string_ltrim()

std::string iv::string_ltrim ( std::string const &  s)

Definition at line 62 of file utils.cpp.

◆ string_rtrim()

std::string iv::string_rtrim ( std::string const &  s)

Definition at line 79 of file utils.cpp.

◆ float3_Axis() [1/2]

float& iv::float3_Axis ( float3 vec,
Axis  axis 

Definition at line 52 of file Axis.hpp.

◆ float3_Axis() [2/2]

const float& iv::float3_Axis ( float3 const &  vec,
Axis  axis 

Definition at line 62 of file Axis.hpp.

◆ foreach_axis()

template<class Callable >
void iv::foreach_axis ( Callable  c)

Definition at line 73 of file Axis.hpp.

◆ ImageLoader_Load()

bool iv::ImageLoader_Load ( StreamResource resource,
PixelFormat  format,
std::function< void(ImageLoader_Metadata const &, uint8_t *bytes, size_t bytes_count) > const &   

Name is only used optionaly to determine file type. All data are read from given istream. Given callback is not stored, it is called from within the ImageLoader_Load function call when loading succeeds. Logs all errors and warnings to given logger. Returns true if image was succesfully read and callback was called.

???? Should it be unloaded or is it automatically unloaded during conversion?

Definition at line 50 of file ImageLoader.cpp.

◆ GlError_Check()

void iv::GlError_Check ( Context const *  logger,
SrcInfo const &  src_info 

Definition at line 10 of file GlError.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [2/2]

std::ostream& iv::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
iv::ResourcePath const &  path 

Definition at line 66 of file ResourcePath.hpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ TextOutput

TextOutput_ostream iv::TextOutput

Definition at line 12 of file TextOutput.cpp.

◆ AnimNode_DebugTable

TableId iv::AnimNode_DebugTable = TableId::create( "AnimNode" )

Definition at line 7 of file AnimNode.cpp.

◆ TimeTransform_Connector_DebugTable

iv::TableId iv::TimeTransform_Connector_DebugTable = TableId::create( "TimeTransform_Connector" )

Definition at line 6 of file TimeTransform_Connector.cpp.